4.1.4 Leaning Towers (FULL SHEET)

1. Which of the towers did you select? Draw a sketch of your tower. The height you are given is the vertical distance from the top of the tower to the ground. Label This and the angle the tower makes with the ground on your sketch.

Name of tower: Leaning Tower of Pisa

Information about tower: Makes an 86 degree angle with the ground. The tower is measured about 57 meters tall, measured vertically from the ground to It’s highest point.

Finding the Keys

2. Your keys drop from the top of the tower and fall straight to the ground. You want to know how far from the base of the tower the keys landed. Draw a right triangle that will help you solve the problem. Label each triangle with the information you know.

3. Using the Known angle, what side is known? What side is unknown? Use opposite, adjacent, or hypotenuse in your answer.

Known side:

Unknown side:

4. What trigonometric ratio would you use to find the distance from the base to the tower for your keys? Identify your choice, and then calculate the distance.

Trigonometric ratio (name):

Calculation (show your work):

5. While you’re at the top of the tower, you see an ant walking along the edge of the building. If the ant were to walk straight down the side of the tower until it reached the ground, how far would the ant travel? Which trigonometric ratio would you use to find this distance? Use the ratio to find the measurement.

6. Confirm that your answer to question 5 is correct using the Pythagorean Theorem instead of trig ratios.

The Leaning Tower of Niles

7. The Leaning Tower of Niles, in Illinois, is a replica of the famous Leaning Tower in Pisa. It was completed in 1934. The Tower of Niles is 94 feet high and makes an angle of 85.5 degrees from the ground to the top of the tower. If you drop your keys from the top of this tower, how far from the base of the tower would they land?

Answers to any of these will help!!

Respuesta :


**1. Sketch of Leaning Tower of Pisa:**






__________|__________ Ground


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Height: 57 meters

Angle with ground: 86 degrees

**2. Right Triangle Diagram:**




| \ keys

| \

| \

| \

| \

| \

| \


| base


**3. Known side:** Opposite side (height of tower)

Unknown side: Adjacent side (distance from base to tower)

**4. Trigonometric ratio:** Tan(theta) = Opposite / Adjacent

Calculation: Tan(86°) = 57m / x (where x is the distance from base to tower)

x = 57m / Tan(86°)

x ≈ 9.47 meters

**5. Distance the ant would travel:**

The ant would travel the same distance as the height of the tower, which is 57 meters.

Trigonometric ratio used: None needed, as the distance is directly given by the height of the tower.

**6. Confirming with Pythagorean Theorem:**

Using Pythagorean Theorem,

\( \text{Hypotenuse}^2 = \text{Height}^2 + \text{Base}^2 \)

\( \text{Base}^2 = \text{Hypotenuse}^2 - \text{Height}^2 \)

\( \text{Base} = \sqrt{\text{Hypotenuse}^2 - \text{Height}^2} \)

\( \text{Base} = \sqrt{57^2 - 57^2} \)

\( \text{Base} = \sqrt{0} = 0 \)

This confirms that the ant travels a vertical distance equal to the height of the tower.

**7. Leaning Tower of Niles:**

Height: 94 feet

Angle: 85.5 degrees

Using the same trigonometric ratio as before:

\( x = 94 \text{ feet} / \text{Tan}(85.5°) \)

\( x ≈ 15.51 \text{ feet} \)

So, the keys would land approximately 15.51 feet from the base of the Leaning Tower of Niles.