Which leader, known as "ruler of all men," united the Mongol tribes and brutally conquered much of Muslim Asia?


Kublai Khan


Genghis Khan

Respuesta :

the leader that known as "ruler of all men," united the Mongol tribes and brutally conquered much of Muslim Asia was: D. Genghis Khan Gengis Khan managed to united various Mongolian tribes that previously fight against each other, unite them, and lead them as a large viscious barbarian army. During his reign, He managed to conquest allmost all parts of Asian continent and some parts of Eastern European Region


The correct answer is option D.  "Genghis Khan".


Genghis Khan was a vicious leader that in 1206 accomplished the union of the Mongol tribes of northern Central Asia for the first time. His real name was Temujin but the was known as Genghis Khan "rightful ruler", and his companions known him as "ruler of all men". Genghis Khan conquered much of Muslim Asia, establishing an empire that included regions of most of modern-day Russia, China, Korea, southeast Asia, Persia, India, the Middle East and eastern Europe.