The wave-mechanical model of the atom is required to explain the
(1) mass number and atomic number of an atom
(2) organization of atoms in a crystal
(3) radioactive nature of some atoms
(4) spectra of elements with multielectron atoms

Respuesta :

Answer: option (4) spectra of elements with multielectron atoms.


1) The spectrum is the set of electromagnetic wave frequencies emitted by the atoms.

2) Such emssions are explained by the wave-mechanical model of the atom as the release of energy (photons, which is the same that light) when an excited electron jumps into a lower energy level.

3) As per the wave-mechanical model of the atom, the electrons are not able to occupy any position around tha atom, but some specific energy levels, and it is the change of energy level (jump of the electrons from one level to other) what produces the spectrum.

The wave-mechanical model of the atom is needed to explain the spectra of elements with multi-electron atoms.

Further explanation:

The wave mechanical model of the atom describes the mathematical relationship between the motion of electrons in atoms and molecules and their energies such as principal energy level, energy sublevel, orbital and spin. It is also called a quantum mechanical model of atom and proposed by Erwin Schrödinger.

The wave equation is as follows:

[tex]H\Psi  = E\Psi[/tex]  


[tex]\Psi[/tex] is called a wave function.

H is known as the Hamiltonian operator.

Eis the binding energy of the electron.

Some features of the wave mechanical model are written as follows:

1. The wave mechanical model of the atom treats electrons as matter waves.

2. Schrödinger’s equation can be solved to yield a series of wave function each of which is associated with an electron binding energy.

3. The square of the wave function determines the probability of finding an electron in a given region within the atom.

4. The wave-mechanical theory proposes that each electron surround an atom's nucleus occupies a specific orbital and spins a certain direction. It allowed the electron to occupy three-dimensional space.

Electrons with more than one atom are referred to as multi-electron atoms.

When atoms are excited from the ground level they emit light of certain wavelengths. The emitted light is observed as a series of colored lines with dark spaces in between. This series of colored lines is called spectra.  

The spectrum is the set of electromagnetic wave frequencies emitted by the atoms. The electromagnetic spectrum is defined as the range of all possible wavelengths and frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.

In wave mechanical model of the atom, an atomic orbital is a mathematical function that describes the wave-like behavior of electron or pair of electrons in an atom. Also, the electrons are not able to occupy any position around the atom and occupy some specific energy levels. The change of energy level excites the electrons from one level to other and energy is absorbed that produces the spectrum.

Hence, the spectra of elements with multi-electron atoms are explained by wave mechanical model of atom

Learn more:

1. What is the charge associated with each molecule of HCl

2. Write the chemical equation

Answer details:

Grade: College

Subject: Chemistry

Chapter: Quantum

Keywords: spectra, electromagnetic spectrum, atom, electrons, wave mechanical model of atom, position, and energy level.