Respuesta :

Longest: D. Shortest: A. Strongest: A.  Weakest: D. 

Explanation: Answer choice A is the shortest and strongest. The greater number of bonds causes the electrons to be more compact and closer together. This makes the bond length short. Because the bond is tighter, it is also stronger.

Single bonds are the weakest and longest. So, now we must look at the difference between C and D. They're both C-C bonds, but the carbon bond in choice D is weaker because of the difference in p-character (hybridization). 

Longest: D. Shortest: A.

Strongest: A. weakest: D.

Further Explanation:

Longest bond:  

The triple bonds are the longest and subsequently the briefest. At that point comes twofold bonds which are of moderate quality between the triple and single securities. Lastly the single bonds are more fragile than the other two. At last, single bonds are the longest among the three.  

strongest bond:  

A few bonds are more fragile, and some are more grounded. Two of the strongest types of substance bond are the ionic and the covalent bonds. Synthetic bonds structure between two particles, each with its own electron condition. In the event that every one of the two molecules imparts an electron to the next iota about similarly, the bond is called covalent.  

Shortest bond:  

The solid hydrogen bond, in which a hydrogen molecule is focused between two electronegative particles in a solitary least potential has been generally talked about however once in a while authoritatively watched. The compound 4-cyano-2, 2, 6, 6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedione has the most limited balanced O−H.  

Weakest bonds:  

Weakest bonds can likewise frame. These are attractions that happen among positive and negative charges that don't require much vitality to break. Two feeble bonds that happen much of the time are hydrogen bonds and van der Waals associations.

Subject: biology

Level: college

Keywords: Longest bond, strongest bond, Shortest bond, Weakest bonds.

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