Respuesta :


Answer : When a raw egg is placed in vinegar then it dissolves the shell of egg and makes it a naked egg.

Explanation : The shell of the egg is made up of calcium carbonate and when placed in vinegar which is mainly made up of acetic acid, dissolves the outer shell covering of calcium carbonate and makes the egg naked. This makes the raw egg bouncy in nature.

If a raw egg were placed in vinegar, the egg white and yolk are surrounded by a thin membrane.

Further explanation

If you put a raw egg in vinegar the egg shell will dissolve and will leave the whole inside rubbery.  Hence the hard outer shell is gone and the egg white and yolk are surrounded by a thin membrane.  

It shows the acetic acid in vinegar dissolving the shell of an egg by eating away the calcium carbonate. Acetic acid releases carbon dioxide gas and leaving calcium acetate which is soluble. The hard outer shell is gone and the egg white and yolk are surrounded by a thin membrane.

This experiment is easy. You just need a cup, an egg, and vinegar.  

  1. Place an egg in the jar and cover with vinegar.
  2. 24 hours later, drain and refill with vinegar. Set aside and wait 7 days
  3. After 7 days, remove the egg and rinse it off

When you put egg in vinegar, the eggshell gets its hardness from a mineral that is called calcium carbonate

Learn more

  1. Learn more about eggs in vinegar

Answer details

Grade:  9

Subject:  Advanced Placement (AP)

Chapter:  eggs in vinegar

Keywords:  eggs in vinegar

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