Why do sexually reproducing populations have an evolutionary advantage?
A) Genetic variability provided by sexual reproduction permits adaptability to a
changing environment.
B) Only one phenotype is allow to survive.
C) all of the above
D) Organisms may clone themselves rapidly.
E) Diploid organisms have more chromosomes, and so many more genes.

Answer :

Sexually reproducing populations have an evolutionary advantage for several reasons: 1) Genetic variability provided by sexual reproduction permits adaptability to a changing environment. This variability increases the chances that at least some individuals will possess traits that are advantageous in new or changing environmental conditions. 2) Only one phenotype is allowed to survive. This statement is incorrect as it goes against the fundamental principle of genetic diversity and natural selection, which allows for the survival of individuals with a range of beneficial traits. 3) Organisms may clone themselves rapidly. This statement is incorrect as it refers to a form of asexual reproduction rather than sexual reproduction. 4) Diploid organisms have more chromosomes, and so many more genes. While diploid organisms do have more chromosomes compared to haploid organisms, the key advantage of sexual reproduction lies in the recombination of genetic material from two parents, leading to increased genetic diversity and potential for adaptation. Therefore, the correct answer is: A) Genetic variability provided by sexual reproduction permits adaptability to a changing environment.

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