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The following question references the novel Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf.
What does Clarissa use to protect herself and make herself feel better about her life while talking with Peter?

Answer :

In the novel "Mrs. Dalloway" by Virginia Woolf, Clarissa uses various elements to protect herself and feel better about her life while talking with Peter. Here are some examples: 1. **Social Status**: Clarissa often relies on her social status and reputation to shield herself from the challenges or uncertainties she faces. Engaging in conversations that emphasize her connections and standing in society can provide her with a sense of security and validation. 2. **Appearance**: Clarissa pays close attention to her appearance and how she presents herself to others. By focusing on her outward image, she can create a facade that helps her cope with inner turmoil or discomfort during conversations. 3. **Conversation Tactics**: Clarissa may employ specific conversation tactics or topics that allow her to steer discussions in a direction that makes her feel more comfortable or in control. By guiding the dialogue towards familiar or pleasing subjects, she can protect herself emotionally. 4. **Emotional Barriers**: Clarissa might build emotional barriers or defenses to shield herself from vulnerabilities or painful memories. These barriers can help her maintain a sense of composure and strength while interacting with Peter or others. Overall, Clarissa's strategies for self-protection and emotional comfort while talking with Peter involve a combination of social, personal, and emotional elements that enable her to navigate conversations and interactions in a way that supports her well-being and self-perception.

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