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The prevalence of endemic diseases is most effected by factors related to
O geography.
O family history.
O climate.

Answer :

The prevalence of endemic diseases is most affected by factors related to: 1. **Geography:** Geography plays a significant role in the prevalence of endemic diseases. Different regions have varying environmental conditions that can influence the spread and occurrence of diseases. For example, tropical regions may have a higher prevalence of vector-borne diseases like malaria due to the presence of suitable habitats for disease-carrying mosquitoes. 2. **Climate:** Climate is another crucial factor impacting the prevalence of endemic diseases. Temperature, humidity, and rainfall patterns can create conditions that are conducive to the growth and transmission of disease-causing agents. For instance, certain diseases like dengue fever thrive in warm and humid climates where mosquitoes can breed easily. In conclusion, both geography and climate are essential factors that significantly influence the prevalence of endemic diseases in a particular region. Understanding these factors is crucial for effective disease prevention and control strategies.

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