A ladybug is resting at the tip of a clock minute hand which is 1 foot long when it is 12;15 the ladybug is 10 feet above the ground calculate how far above the ground the ladybug is at 12:00, 12:30, 12:45, and 1:00

Answer :


  • 12:00, 1:00 — 11 ft
  • 12:15, 12:45 — 10 ft
  • 12:30 — 9 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

You want the heights above ground of the end of a 1-ft minute hand every 15 minutes from 12:00 to 1:00, given it is 10 ft above ground at 12:15.

Minute Hand

The minute hand on an analog clock makes one revolution each hour. At the "top of the hour," the hand points straight up, so the end of it will be 1 ft higher than the center of the clock, 11 ft above the ground.

At :15 and :45 past the hour, the hand is horizontal, so has the same height as the center of the clock, 10 ft above the ground.

At :30 past the hour, the hand point straight down, so its tip will be 1 ft lower than the center of the clock, 9 ft above the ground.

The heights of interest are ...

  • 12:00, 1:00 — 11 ft
  • 12:15, 12:45 — 10 ft
  • 12:30 — 9 ft

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