You are performing CPR for an unresponsive choking person. Which action should you take right after
each set of compressions? Select one answer.
Do a finger sweep
Attempt 2 ventilations
Deliver emergency oxygen
Open the mouth to look for the object

Answer :

After each set of compressions while performing CPR on an unresponsive choking person, the action you should take is to attempt 2 ventilations. Ventilations are crucial to providing oxygen to the person's lungs, especially in a choking situation where the airway may be partially or fully obstructed. By delivering two breaths after each set of compressions, you are helping to ensure that the person is receiving oxygen, which is essential for their survival. Remember, the steps in CPR are typically performed in the following order: 1. Check the scene for safety. 2. Check the person for responsiveness. 3. Call for emergency help. 4. Begin CPR with chest compressions. 5. After each set of compressions, deliver 2 ventilations. By following these steps, you are providing immediate and essential care to the person in need until professional help arrives. It is important to stay calm, focused, and follow the proper CPR guidelines to increase the person's chances of survival.

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