Answer :

Certainly! Here are some of the advantages that the Portuguese had: 1. **Strategic Location:** Portugal's location on the Atlantic Ocean allowed Portuguese explorers to have easier access to the open sea, facilitating their maritime expeditions. 2. **Expertise in Navigation:** Portuguese sailors were skilled navigators, thanks in part to the development of advanced navigation techniques like the astrolabe and the caravel, which helped them sail further distances. 3. **Trade Routes:** The Portuguese established profitable trade routes to Asia, Africa, and the Americas, which brought wealth and valuable resources back to Portugal. 4. **Colonial Empire:** Portugal's early exploration and colonization efforts led to the establishment of a vast colonial empire, including territories in present-day Brazil, Africa, India, and Southeast Asia. 5. **Cultural Exchange:** Portuguese explorers played a significant role in fostering cultural exchange between Europe and other continents, introducing new foods, languages, and customs to different parts of the world. These advantages collectively contributed to Portugal's prominence during the Age of Exploration and its lasting impact on global history.

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