If you apply for a credit card, what categories is it helping and
Age of credit - help, new credit - help, credit mix - help
age of credit - hurt, new credit - hurt, credit mix - help
age of credit - help, new credit- hurt, credit mix - help
age of credit - hurt, new credit - hurt, credit mix - hurt

Answer :

The correct answer is: When you apply for a credit card, it can impact different categories in your credit score: - Age of credit: This refers to how long you have had credit accounts. If you have a credit card for a long time, it can help this category. - New credit: This refers to recently opened credit accounts. Opening a new credit card can hurt this category. - Credit mix: This looks at the types of credit accounts you have, like credit cards, loans, etc. Having a mix of credit accounts can help this category. Therefore, the category impact of applying for a credit card would be: - Age of credit - help - New credit - hurt - Credit mix - help This means that applying for a new credit card can potentially help your credit mix but may hurt the age of credit and new credit categories in your credit score.

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