Why is it important to know who reviews the information posted on a Web site and the date it was last updated?
It is important to know who reviews your web site to ensure you're attracting the targeted audience. As well as the date
assure validity and accuracy.

Answer :

Knowing who reviews the information posted on a website and the date it was last updated is crucial for a few reasons: 1. **Ensuring Targeted Audience**: Knowing who reviews your website helps ensure that the content is attracting the intended audience. If the reviewer's perspective aligns with your target audience, they can provide valuable feedback on how to make the content more appealing and relevant. 2. **Validity and Accuracy**: The date when the information was last updated is important for ensuring the validity and accuracy of the content. Outdated information can mislead visitors and harm the credibility of the website. Regularly updating information helps maintain relevance and trustworthiness. In conclusion, knowing who reviews the content on your website and keeping track of the last update date are essential for attracting the right audience, receiving valuable feedback, and maintaining the accuracy and credibility of the information provided.

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