Check Your
Place the positive feedback loop's
sequence in the correct order to
show how increasing temperature
leads to more evaporation,
Temperature Increases
More Greenhouse Gases

Answer :

To show how increasing temperature leads to more evaporation through a positive feedback loop, the sequence can be explained step-by-step: 1. **Temperature Increases:** As the temperature rises, it causes an initial increase in evaporation due to the higher energy levels of water molecules. This is the starting point of the positive feedback loop. 2. **More Greenhouse Gases:** Increased evaporation leads to more water vapor in the atmosphere. Water vapor is a greenhouse gas that further enhances the greenhouse effect, trapping more heat in the atmosphere. 3. **Return to Step 1:** The increased greenhouse effect caused by more water vapor leads to a further rise in temperature, initiating a cycle where higher temperatures result in more evaporation, which in turn leads to more greenhouse gases and further temperature increases. By following this sequence, you can understand how the positive feedback loop involving temperature increase, evaporation, and greenhouse gases amplifies the warming effect, contributing to climate change.

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