Enlightenment & the Founders 1. Which era and philosopher influenced the Constitutional Founders’ view of government? John Locke was the philosopher who had influences the constitutional founders in the enlightenment era.
2. Name three of the major events that preceded (happened before) the Declaration of Independence? Creating the Constitution
3. List two of the problems with the Articles of Confederation? (2 points)
4. What is the purposes of the Preamble in the Constitution?
5. What is the purpose of Articles 1, 2 and 3 in the Constitution?
6. Name two of the conflicts during the writing of the Constitution and what they were about? (3 points)
7. Name four of the delegates and what their beliefs about government were? (2 points) The Parts of the Constitution
8. Who wanted the Bill of Rights included in the Constitution?
9. What are the Bill of Rights and what is their purpose?
10. Define the following: a. Necessary and Proper Clause - b. Full Faith and Credit Clause - Federalism and the Separation of Powers
11. Where are Powers of Congress listed in the Constitution and what are they?

Respuesta :

1. It was the Enlightenment era and the philosopher was John Locke.

2. The three events prior the Declaration of the Independence are: Creation of the Stamp Act, The Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party. 

3. The two problems with the Articles of Confederation where there was no provisions made for the executive branch to enforce the laws and only the legislative congress is the sole part of the government but it has no control to vigor the states to do anything against their will.

4. The purposes of the preamble follows: to form a perfect union, to establish justice, to ensure domestic tranquility, to provide common defense, to promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

5. Article 1 talks about the congress’ power and limits. Article 2 talks about the executive branch of the government. Article 3 talks about the judicial branch of the US.

6. The two conflicts: Federalists wanted a strong government because the articles of the confederation was too flawed while the anti-federalist wanted a weaker government. And the other conflict was small states wanted to have equal representation while the large states wanted proportional representation.

7. William Paterson represented New Jersey. Virginia was represented by James Madison. While New York was represented by Alexander Hamilton and South Carolina was represented by Charles Pinckney.

8. It was George Mason, a delegate from Virginia.

9. The bill of rights is also known as the declaration of rights. Its purpose is to protect those rights against the infringement from public officials and citizens.

10. Necessary and Proper Clause – this clause enables the government to make laws required for the implementation of its power established by the constitution. Full Faith and Credit Clause – addresses the duties that states within the US. Federalism – the division of power between levels. Separation of powers – they divided the government into three branches.

11. It is listed in Article 1, Section 8. Make laws and the division of the congress and house of representatives.


1. It was the Enlightenment era and the philosopher was John Locke.

2. The three events prior the Declaration of the Independence are: Creation of the Stamp Act, The Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party.  

3. The two problems with the Articles of Confederation where there was no provisions made for the executive branch to enforce the laws and only the legislative congress is the sole part of the government but it has no control to vigor the states to do anything against their will.

4. The purposes of the preamble follows: to form a perfect union, to establish justice, to ensure domestic tranquility, to provide common defense, to promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

5. Article 1 talks about the congress’ power and limits. Article 2 talks about the executive branch of the government. Article 3 talks about the judicial branch of the US.

6. The two conflicts: Federalists wanted a strong government because the articles of the confederation was too flawed while the anti-federalist wanted a weaker government. And the other conflict was small states wanted to have equal representation while the large states wanted proportional representation.

7. William Paterson represented New Jersey. Virginia was represented by James Madison. While New York was represented by Alexander Hamilton and South Carolina was represented by Charles Pinckney.

8. It was George Mason, a delegate from Virginia.

9. The bill of rights is also known as the declaration of rights. Its purpose is to protect those rights against the infringement from public officials and citizens.

10. Necessary and Proper Clause – this clause enables the government to make laws required for the implementation of its power established by the constitution. Full Faith and Credit Clause – addresses the duties that states within the US. Federalism – the division of power between levels. Separation of powers – they divided the government into three branches.

11. It is listed in Article 1, Section 8. Make laws and the division of the congress and house of representatives.


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