And we scrounged. Next to survival, scrounge was probably the most important word in our new vocabulary. We found a store that was throwing out water-damaged mattresses. Getting them home was a problem, since we had to make two trips, leaving Brad and Katie, armed with sticks to guard over the remained. I truly expected them to be challenged by some gang boss, but they said that the only person who came by was a scrawny little rat of a girl living alone. We let her have one of the mattresses.

What is the point of view in this text?

Question 3 options:

3rd omnisicent

3rd limited

3rd obective

1st person

Respuesta :

first person; This text uses pronouns such as 'I' and 'we', showing first person point of view. Third person would use pronouns such as 'she' or 'they'. Hope this helps!
This text was written in First Person, as evidenced by the use of "I" and "we" in the text. In any First Person point of view text, the use of "I" or "We" in the narration indicates that the narrator is a character in the story being told.