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This definitely an oppinion question but I'd argue yes. In most Western nations there is a vast array of social programs to support the population, in France, three fresh, healthy, meals a day are provided at schools. This is an excellent idea, as it allows the children to a. stay healthy b. develop an idea for what is a healthy meal which will put less of a burden on the health care system as they get older. It allows parents to spend there money investing back into the economy instead of being burden with feeding there children, as it is estimated that it takes roughly €250000 euros to feed a child from birth to adulthood removing this expense from parents is an excellent idea, and is an example of a social program that works.


Answers will vary but should include some explanation of how public services benefit everyone and that they tend to be programs that are important to all of society. You may also have mentioned some specific public programs that you believe are not a benefit to society.


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