1. Explain the difference between a federalist and an anti-federalist. Include where each resided, north vs south?

2. Why were Anti-Federalists against ratification of the U.S. Constitution?

3. How was the main problem of the Anti-Federalists solved?

Respuesta :

1. The federalists were for the Ratification of the constitution and the Anti-Federalists were not (IDK where they resided)
2. Anti-Federalists were against the Constitution because they thought it gave too much power to a central government and not enough to the states/people, allowing tyranny to happen
3. This was solved by adding a Bill of rights, a lost of rights stating the people's freedoms


Hey, I know I'm late but... the other person is right for the rest

As for the part they didn't answer,

The federalists resided in the South and the Anti-federalists in the North!!!!!

Hope this helps my dude