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As there are no options to choose from I will simply explain what Alfred T Mahan had presented:
In 1890, Alfred T. Mahan presented/The Influence of Sea Power upon History/, contending the significance of a solid, present day naval force to keep up national power. He contended that history outlined that an exceptionally created naval force and utilization of barricades could overwhelm an organized land armed force. He additionally contended that the US expected to fulfill a few objectives to keep up a cutting edge naval force, as outlined by England all through the nineteenth century. He contended for a waterway through the isthmus of Central America, and in addition various bases and coaling stations all through the Pacific to advance exchange with Asia. Mahan's work specifically impacted the foreign policy of President Theodore Roosevelt, as showed by his administration in the development of the White Fleet, the finishing of the Panama Canal, and his help for the Open Door Policy in China. Indeed, even the Roosevelt Result to the Monroe Convention can be viewed as an expansion of Mahan's contentions for the significance of naval power.