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Prokaryotes: 1. bacteria grows in competitive rapid conditions 2. simple needs, and single celled 3. don't have cell specific gene expression 4. have to respond quickly to changes in their environment 5. organized in operons and transcribed by a single mRNA 6. polycistronic mRNA 7. transcription and translation can occur at the same time Eukaryotes: 1. have other regulatory needs so they have a different set of regulatory controls 2. are NOT regulated by operons 3. each structural gene has its own promoter and is transcribed independently 4. monocistronic 5. chromatin structure affects gene expression 6. transcription requires unwinding of the DNA form the histone proteins 7. eukaryotic cells have many more transcriptional activators as well as gene repressors (DNA binding proteins) 8. transcription and translation are physically separated so the regulatory mechanisms must differ from those in bacteria