
A. Pyramid
B. Propaganda
C. Babylonians
D. Cuneiform
E. Gudea of lagash
F. Ziggurat
G. Amorites
H. Clay
I. The Sumerians
J. Mesopotamia

Fill in the blank with the term or the letter of the term that best matches the clue.

1. Ancient region of southwest Asia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers
2.they invented the wheel
3. Sumerian writing system
4. A Semitic group that moved into the Fertile Crescent after 2000 b.c.
5. Founders of algebra and astronomy
6. Sumerians were the first people to use this shape for religious structures
7. A step pyramid
8. Most common building element of ziggurats
9. Much Sumerian art was created as this
10. Renowned Sumerian ruler

Respuesta :

The correct answers are as follows:
1. MESOPOTAMIA: Ancient region of Southwest Asia between the Tigris and the Euphrates river. Mesopotamia means 'the land between the rivers'. Mesopotamia is now located in the modern day middle East.The region was one of the four civilizations where writing was invented and many historically important cities were located in the region. The region also inspired some of the important development in human history, these include the invention of the wheel and the planting of first cereals crops.
2.SUMERIANS: They invented the wheel.
The Sumerians lived in the Mesopotamia region. Around 3500 BC, the Summerians invented a potter wheel, it was a heavy flat disk made of hardened clay. The potter wheel was a mechanical device used by potters to form evenly shaped jars and bowls from wet clay. No other civilization of their time has this type of mechanical device.
3. CUNEIFORM: The Summerians writing system.
Cuneiform was first developed by the Summerians of the Mesopotamia region around 3500 BC. The cuneiform writing was in form of pictograph created by making wedge shaped marks on clay tablets using blunt reeds. The cuneiform writing was used by the scribes of that time to record daily events that were happening in their localities. 
4. AMORITES: A semitic group that moved into the Fertile Crescent after 2000 BC. 
The Amorites are member of an ancient semitic speaking people who emerged from western mesopotamia. The period between 2000 - 1600 BCE in mesopotamia is known as the Amorite period, because their impacts on the region were most discerned during that period. Amorites were normads who usually made incursions into established kingdoms. The Amorities conquered the Fertile Crescent around 2000 BC.
5. BABYLONIANS: Founder of algebra and astronomy.
The Babylonians invented algebra and astronomy. Knowledge of Babylonian mathematics originated from some 400 clay tablets which were unearthed in the 1850s. Babylonian mathematics are writing in cuneiform scritpt; tablets are usually inscribed when the clay is moist and it is then baked hard in the oven or in the sun. Western Astronomy has its origin in Babylonian astronomy. Babylonian astronomers tracked the motion of planets across the night sky by using simple arithmetic.
6. PYRAMID: Summerians are the first people to use this shape for religious structures.
Pyramids were built by the ancient summerian for religion purpose. Each pyramid usually has its own shrine where the worshipers gathered for important occasions. The summerian people believed that these pyramids connect heaven and earth together.
7. ZIGGURAT: A step pyramid.
A ziggurat is a massive structure built for religious purpose in the old mesopotamia. It is usually in form of successively receding levels. There are many notable ziggurat during ancient period but all of them have been destroyed now. Sun baked bricks are usually used to build ziggurats.
8. CLAY: Most common building element of ziggurats.
Clay is usually used to make the bricks that are used in building the ziggurats. The clay are typically treated before use to make them suitable for building the ziggurats. The mud bricks are sometimes cover with baked brick laid with bitumen. Bitumen was a naturally occurring coal tar in that area. The clay bricks can weigh as much as 33 pounds.
9. PROPAGANDA: Much Sumerian arts was created as this.
The summerian art were ornate and complex and they were originally used for religious purposes. Clay was usually used to form these works of art because clay was abundant in the area. During the time of king Sargon, art works were used as propaganda tools; the king used them to promote his ambition rather than to honour the gods. 
10. GUDEA OF LAGASH: A renowned Sumerian ruler.
Gudea was the ruler of the state of Lagash in southern Mesopotamia and he ruled around 2144 - 2124 BC. He ruled for twenty years and was succeed by his son. Gudea made many images of himself during his time and he claimed to be a god.