
How do changes in the atmospheric composition throughout earths history Illustrator relationship between living and nonliving parts of the environment

Respuesta :

the atmosphere is polluted from the human race...anthropogenic waste (basically thats man made pollution caused by industry, -factories etc)...this in turn is going to affect both the biotic and abiotic parts of the environment (living and non living parts) ...because both factors are affected by pollution- living organisms adapt to the environment around them...for e.g plants(living factor) in a certain area that are used to growing in an acidic soil may have to adapt to a soil that gains an even higher P.H (due to pollution from the atmosphere) this is an illustration of the relationship between living and non living parts of the environment due to the increasing poor quality (change in atmospheric composition) of the atmosphere ....hope thats of some help,,,the best thing is always to break the question down in parts :)