
Why were the colonists angered at the king's response to the Olive Branch Petition?
A.They believed certain colonies were granted more rights than others.
B.They said it was unfair that only one colony was granted special rights.
C.They did not approve of the high tax that was placed on tea.
D. They believed the king did not view them as equal citizens with the right to petition

Respuesta :

I believe the answer is D


The correct answer is D. The colonists were angered at the king's response to the Olive Branch Petition because they believed the king did not view them as equal citizens with the right to petition.


The Olive Branch Petition is the written note that the Second Continental Congress of Philadelphia sent in May 1775 to England. In it, loyalty to George III was assured and wishes for prompt reconciliation were expressed.

The note was signed by almost all the representatives that a year later would sign the Declaration of Independence. Congress sent this petition when it was clear that the colonies could not declare their loyalty to the monarch and at the same time refuse to obey it because among the representatives of the colonies the prevailing idea was that they were fighting against a very conservative parliamentary sector that was opposed to the former freedoms of the colonies and that everything would change if the king was persuaded to support a sector of the Whigs (liberals), who claimed that the colonies had the right to own their representatives in the English Parliament.

The settlers' wishes were not fulfilled because the king refused to receive the Olive Branch Petition and declared that the colonies were in a state of rebellion. In turn, Parliament banned all trade with the Thirteen Colonies. Colonists considered it as an enormous insult, as the felt that the king considered them as lower class citizens of the British Empire.