1. within third world countries which of the following statements comes closest to characterizing economic growth without economic development?
A. profits go to multinationals and elites and aren't used to develop the country
B. economic growth is accompanied by natural radical resource depletion
C. enormous multinational profits fund social reforms to maintain political stability
D. the urban poor participate in a bazaar economy

2. In japan, under the authority of general douglas macarthur all of the folowing reforms were enacted except for which one?
A. land reform ensured support for macarthur from japans peasants
B. the emperor was to remain a symbolic had of state
C. women were granted equality before the law
D. antitrust laws were abolished

3. the personal computer and the cell phone are associated with the _______ communications revolution
A 3rd
B 4th
C 2nd
D 1st

4. how have the united nations member states view the 1989 convention on the rights of the child?
A. western countries have rejected it, whereas developing countries have accepted it
B. It has been ratified by virtually every country
C. most countries have rejected it
D. most western countries have accepted it, whereas developing countries have rejected it