14 points and marked as brainiest PLEASE HELP ASAP!!!!!!!

1.Dawn was just breaking when Jake and I broke camp. The mountain air was cold as we hiked upward, our packs heavy on our backs. Our goal was to reach the summit by noon. But an hour later, the sky was gray, and heavy clouds threatened to spill snow.

“I can hardly tell that it’s morning” I said.

“Matt, should we turn back?” Jake asked. “Getting stranded in a blizzard wasn’t part of our plan.”

I hesitated. This was the fifth day of the climb, and I hated to give up. “We may never have this chance again. We can make it in another two hours; I know it.”

Which statement is the exposition?

A.The goal was to reach the peak by noon.
B.The mountainside is quiet.
C.Jake asks whether they should turn back.
D.Jake and Matt break camp at dawn.
2.(1) Alex picked up the bat and tapped his foot with it. (2) He pulled the bat through the air several times, practicing his swing. (3) He adjusted his helmet and tugged on his glove. (4) He was hitting below .500 for the first time in his career, and he knew that the managers were talking about sending him down to the minors. (5) Alex had doubled his practice time this week and felt good about the changes he had made. (6) He stepped up to the plate, swung the bat over his shoulder, and looked the pitcher squarely in the eye. (7) “Give me your best shot,” Alex mumbled under his breath.

(8) The fans in the bleachers scrambled for the ball.

Sentence 8 is the _____ of the story’s conflict.

A.rising action
C.falling action
Read the title of a magazine article.

The Vision of Maya Ying Lin, Student Architect

Based on this title, what do you predict the article will cover?

A.something Maya Yin Lin dreamed
B.the story Maya Yin Lin wrote
C.the eyesight of Maya Ying Lin
D.something designed by Maya Ying Lin
4.A nonfiction work is almost always told from the point of view of the _____.

A.writer, a fictional character
C.writer, a real person
D.main character