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Allowing a scientist to hide information from the public and other scientists has many consequences. By hiding findings, it can prohibit other scientists from using the findings to further advance the research process. It is crucial that findings are shared so advancements in things such as medicine, mental health, physical health, and  all other sciences can progress to better help people. If, for example, a scientist found that there are links to cancer and sugar, withholding that information from the public would therefore prevent people from taking precautions against cancer. 
Allowing a scientist to withhold information from other scientist could inhibit the further development of the findings. If withheld, the information could also slow down the development of human kind itself. For example, not revealing findings could make it so that humans take longer to figure it out, slowing the process of discovery. This could kill millions of people as scientists would have to waist time trying to figure out what someone else might have already known.