In sexually reproducing species, each individual begins life with dna inherited from both parent organism. in a short essay, apply this idea to what occurs when organisms of two species that have homologous chromosomes mate and produce

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Sexual reproduction is an early evolutionary modernization after the appearance of eukaryotic cells. During sexual reproduction, the genetic material of two individuals is put together to produce genetically-diverse offspring that is not the same from their parents. Actually there are more eukaryotes reproduce sexually is the proof of its evolutionary success. Most of the animals, it is actually the only way of reproduction. The genetic diversity of sexually-produced offspring is thought to produced species a better chance of surviving in a changing or unpredictable environment.

The variation that sexual reproduction make among offspring is very important to reproduction of the population and the survival .

In sexual reproduction, different mutations are continually reshuffled from one generation to the next when different parents combine their unique genomes; this results in an increase of genetic diversity.

On average, a sexually-reproducing population will leave more offspring than an otherwise similar asexually-reproducing population.