Respuesta :

Answer is: Anti-Corn Law League (industrial middle class), because they wanted free trade.
Anti-Corn Law League was British organization founded in 1839 who fought England’s Corn Laws, because laws were morally wrong and economically bad.
Corn Law are regulations governing the import and export of grain.


Britain held high tariffs in the position that defended the Parliament Agriculturalists. Robert Peel headed the onset to repeal those high tariffs in Britain because they paralyzed global commerce. He compels Parliament members to abolish the Corn Laws to promote free enterprise beyond borders. The Irish Potato Famine really benefited force them to repeal the laws and in the extended period, repealing the Corn Laws covered the distance for free enterprise.

Merchants and tradesmen benefited from the reversal of the tariffs, they could make extra earnings. The Poor and the metropolitan middle groups also benefited because rates overall declined down. Tenants and landowners were degraded.

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