Persuading the 13 original states to support a new Constitution for the United States required a number of compromises. Explain how the United States Constitution was developed through a series of at least three compromises, and analyze how those compromises affected the country.

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I only know of two compromises, unless you are talking about the bill of rights. But the great compromise set a two house legislature, which is different from before because the states mostly had power. The three fifths compromise counted three fifths of the slaves as population. Except cool fact they weren’t called slaves they were called others. There was the free men and the others. It affected the country because it added onto the population. And the bill of rights was made to settle the conflict between the anti federalists and the federalists. The bill of rights was written by James Madison.

The Great Compromise, which created the two-house legislature, satisfied both large and small states by giving each group fair representation. The Three-Fifths Compromise, which set up a system for counting slaves when states determined their numbers of representatives, and the compromise on the slave trade kept both northern and southern states in the Union. The two-house legislature proved successful in providing fair representation for large and small states, but the compromise on slavery ultimately had unfortunate consequences that created a blot on the country’s history.

i know this is extremely late but if anyone else needs it this is the right answer