
1. What type of set-back can occur because of exercise?

failure to meet a goal
overuse injuries
exercise breaks
2. When do you need to rehabilitate a part of the body?

after an injury
during a cross-training exercise
when you return from a break in exercise
during a plateau
3. If Louise is not seeing any progress with her exercise goals, what might be the cause?

She has tendonitis.
She is not cross-training.
She is eating too much.
She is in a plateau.
4.Overuse injuries can be prevented by _____.

taking breaks
participating in a variety of activities
avoiding high impact sports
exercising at a low intensity level
5. Cross-training involves _____.

playing a variety of sports for exercise
performing different types of cardiovascular exercise
performing a variety of resistance training exercises
all of the above
6. Which of the following is an effective strategy to prevent an overuse injury?

Avoid sports with excessive contact.
Avoid high intensity activities.
Stick with one type of exercise.
Take time to cool-down after exercise.
7. If Bert goes on vacation and misses regular exercise for three weeks, _____.

this should have no effect on him
he should exercise harder to get back in shape
he should lower his exercise goals
he should perform rehabilitation exercises

Respuesta :

1. Overuse injuries
2. after an injury
3. She's in a plateau
4. participating in a variety of activities
5. all of the above
6. Take time to cool-down after exercise
7. he should lower his exercise goals