• Introduce Charles’ Law (i.e. what is it?) o What increases/decreases and what remains constant? • Discuss how Charles’ Law is related to the oil tanker implosion • Talk about how the temperature is related to the speed of the gas particles
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Charles law is an ideal gas law that states that the volume occupied by a fixed mass of a gas directly proportional to its absolute temperature, if the pressure remains constant. Therefore, if the temperature of a gas is increased the gas will expand to occupy a bigger volume while the pressure is kept constant and on the other hand if temperature s decreased the volume occupied will decrease under the same conditions.

Oil tanker implosion, when the tanker is drained its contents, the pressure inside is decreased, while the pressure outside remains the same. Therefore with the decreased inside pressure the external pressure acts on the tank making it crush. Charles's law takes temperature into account, such that as the temperature of gas increases the molecules become more active and faster and this happen the pressure in a fixed volume will increase and similarly when the volume cools the pressure will decrease.

Gases contain particles that in random movement colliding with themselves and the walls of the container (in a fixed volume). Temperature increases the kinetic energy of these particles making them move more faster and thus increasing the number of collisions among themselves increasing the volume of the gases, however if the gases are in a fixed volume this will result to an increase in pressure due to the collision of particles and the walls of the container.