Which excerpt from Everyman best represents how Everyman is characterized overall in the passage?

A) It is said, in prosperity men friends may find,
Which in adversity be full unkind.
B) I believe that they will do so,
For kind will creep where it may not go.
C) For I have a great enemy, that hath me in wait,
Which intendeth me for to hinder.
D) But when I have most need, they me forsake.
I am deceived; that maketh me sad.

(not B)

Respuesta :

The answer is A) It is said, in prosperity men friends may find,
Which in adversity be full unkind.
Everymen's main idea is about life after death. It is a play that shares the theme of religion.People who are good will go to the eternal life that is possible after the physical death.

The options are the quotes from the play and they have hidden meanings. As we know, Everyman represents all humanity in the play which is a characterization of an average person. The option A means that your friends are not the same in your good and bad times, i.e, they behave differently according to the situations. The best summary among these excerpts is the option A.