What factors led to the industrial revolution of the eighteenth century? what were some of the technological innovations, and why were they important? why did great britain take the lead in the industrial revolution?

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The industrial revolution took some time to reach the US in fact while Europe was seeing an increase in factories and production the US was slowly catching up. The industrial revolution first reached Britain because they had just experienced the Enlightenment in which people began to explore academic institutions instead of blindly following the church. This brought about new standards in life. Factories were being built as well as technological advances to further the means of production. Goods that were once considered a luxury we’re now being mass produced for a cheaper price. Tech such as the cotton gin helped increase production of cotton goods like clothing.
Once the industrial revolution reached the US it had some catching up to do but it caught up quite fast. US producers and manufacturers had an advantage over British suppliers because they had an abundance of resources. However although they had a surplus of resources British manufactures took political routes to destroy the industry of US manufacturing. They made it impossible for English mechanics to move to the US as they prohibited them from doing so and prohibited the import of their goods to the states therefore cutting them off. However those measures didn’t really work all too well, some British inventors managed to flee to the US for their higher wages and contributed to the movement.