Respuesta :

four and six hundred thirty thousandths
or four and sixty-three hundredths

The word form of decimal number 4.630 is four and sixty-three hundredths

What is decimal number?

"A number whose whole number part and the fractional part is separated by a decimal point."

Steps to write a decimal in word form:

  • Write the whole number part.
  • Write "and" for the decimal point.
  • Write the decimal part the same way you would write a whole number and mention the place value of the last digit.

For given question,

We have been given a decimal number 4.630

The whole part of given decimal number is 4 (4.630)

The fractional part of given decimal number is 630 (4.630)

Given decimal number in word form would be,

four and sixty-three hundredths

Therefore, the word form of 4.630 is four and sixty-three hundredths

Learn more about the decimal number here: