Respuesta :

Answer is: the symbol is Cl.
[Ne ] 3s
² 3p⁶ is electric configuration of noble gas argon, neon (Ne) has10 electrons plus 6 electrons in 3s and 3p orbitals. Neutral atom of monatomic ion that has a charge of 1– has one electron less than argon, so that atom (chlorine) has 17 electrons. Charge of 1- means one electron more for ion: 17 + 1 = 18.

The symbol of monoatomic ion that has charge of 1- and the condensed electronic configuration [tex]\left[ {{\text{Ne}}}\right]\;3{s^2}3{p^6}[/tex]is [tex]\boxed{{\text{Cl}}}[/tex].

Further explanation:

The electronic configuration is the distribution of electrons of an atom in the atomic orbitals. There are two states for an electron: ground as well as the excited state. The configuration of the atom in the lowest possible energy levels is called the ground-state electronic configuration. When an electron jumps from the stable ground state to some higher level, that state is called the excited state and the electronic configuration corresponding to this state is known as the excited-state electronic configuration.

The filling of electrons in different energy levels or orbitals is done in accordance with the following three rules.

1. Aufbau principle: The principle states that the electrons are filled in various orbitals in the increasing order of their energies. The increasing order of their energies as follow:


2. Hund’s rule: Electron pairing will not start until each orbital is singly occupied.

3. Pauli’s exclusion principle: According to this principle, all the four quantum numbers [tex]\left({n,\;l,\;{m_l},\;{m_s}}\right)[/tex] for any two electrons can never be the same. In an orbital, the spin of two electrons has to be different. If one electron has the clockwise spin, the other would have the anticlockwise spin and vice-versa.

The general expression for full electron configuration contains all the symbols of occupied. It is given as follows:

[tex]n{\left({{\text{symbol for }}l}\right)^{{\text{ number  of electrons in orbital}}}}[/tex]

For example, boron has atomic number 5. Therefore, filling of electrons for boron takes place as follows:  

Full Electronic configuration: [tex]1{s^2}2{s^2}3{s^1}[/tex]

The condensed electronic configuration is a way to write the electronic configuration where the inner shell configurations are compressed to the nearest noble gas configuration and represent in a square bracket and only the valence shell configuration is written in the expanded form.

Condensed electronic configuration for boron is as follows:


Given electronic configuration [tex]\left[{{\text{Ne}}}\right]\;3{s^2}3{p^6}[/tex] is a condensed electronic configuration in which Ne is the atomic symbol of neon noble gas. Noble gas neon has an atomic number 10 and therefore it has 10 electrons in it. The given ion has a total of 18 electrons. It has a charge of -1, that indicates the ion has one electron more than the neutral atom.

So, the neutral atom that forms a monoatomic ion of charge –1 has 17 electrons in it. According to the periodic table, the element with the 17 atomic number is chlorine and its symbol is Cl.

Learn more:

1. What happens to the reducing agent during redox reaction?:

2. Identification of element which has electron configuration [tex]1{s^2}2{s^2}2{p^2}3{s^1}[/tex] :

Answer details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Chemistry

Chapter: Electronic configuration of the elements.

Keywords: monoatomic ion, neon, electronic configuration, condensed electronic configuration, noble gas, Aufbau principle, Hund’s rule, Pauli’s exclusion principle, chlorine, Cl, neutral atom, 10 electrons.