
Which words best describe the overall tone of this passage?
During our walk, Clerval endeavored to raise my spirits. He did not do this by common topics of consolation. Those maxims of the Stoics, that death was no evil, and that the mind of man ought to be superior to despair on the eternal absence of a beloved object, ought not to be urged. Even Cato wept over the dead body of his brother.
A.) Confused and brooding
B.) Sad and Emotional
C.) Resentful and angry
D.) Pitiful and forgiving

Respuesta :

Sad and emotional -apex

The correct answer is B) Sad and Emotional. The tone of a poem is how you feel in it, the feelings and sensations throwing by the writer. The tone in a poem of praise is approval. In satire the feeling is irony. This case is emotional because. This case is emotional and sad; emotional because he feels things more deeply and this response more to his emotions and sad because you can notice his sorrow, he is unhappy.