A candy machine is filled with candy. The weight of the candy can differ from the desired 84 ounce weight by no more than 0.5 ounces. Solve the absolute value equation given in order to find the heaviest and lightest acceptable weights for the candy machine.

|x – 84| = 0.5

Answer :

[tex]Formula\ for\ absolute\ value\\\\ |a|=a,\ for\ a \geq 0\\ or\\|a|=-a,\ for\ a<0\\\\|x-84|=0,5\\\\ x-84=-0,5\ \ \ or\ \ \ \ x-84=0,5\\ x=-0,5+84\ \ \ \ or \ \ \ x=0,5+84\\ x=83,5\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ or\ \ \ x=84,5\\\\The\ lightes\weight\ is\ 83,5\ ounce\ and\ the\ heaviest\ is\ 84,5\ ounce.[/tex]

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