3 In the wave-mechanical model of the atom, an orbital is defined as
(1) a region of the most probable proton location
(2) a region of the most probable electron location
(3) a circular path traveled by a proton around the nucleus
(4) a circular path traveled by an electron around the nucleus

Respuesta :

(2) a region of the most probably electron location. The rest are all false. (1) and (3) are false obviously, because it denotes the location for the proton, which is in the nucleus, and protons don't travel around the nucleus, they are the nucleus, at least a part of it. (4) a circular path traveled by an electron around the nucleus is false because although there are s orbitals which have a spherical shape around the nucleus in its electron shell, it does not mean it travels circularly around the nucleus, nor does it mean it is the only type of orbital shape.

In wave mechanical model an orbital is defined as [tex]\boxed{\left( {\text{2}} \right){\text{region of most probable electron location}}}{\text{.}}[/tex]  

Further explanation:

Bohr's model could not account for duality of matter and also contradicted the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. To overcome these weaknesses, a wave mechanical model was developed. The basis of this model was the Schrodinger wave equation of hydrogen atom.

The salient features of the wave mechanical or quantum mechanical model are as follows:

A. The energy associated with electrons present in atoms can take only certain discrete values. This is known as the quantization of energy.

B. Such quantized energy levels are a consequence of wave characteristics of electrons and allowed values are dictated in accordance with the solutions obtained from the Schrödinger wave equation.

C. The exact position as well the velocity of an electron cannot be precisely determined as it obeys the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. This leads to an important concept that path of an electron can never be precisely defined. Therefore it is better to use the term probability of locating electron.

D. The region of space around the atom in which the probability of locating any electron is highest is known as the orbital. The physical significance of the orbital is that it can be described using the values of [tex]{\psi }}[/tex]. There are several possible values of [tex]{\psi }}[/tex]. as can be obtained from the solving of Schrodinger equation. So there are several numbers of orbitals associated with an electron.

E. The utility of [tex]{\psi }}[/tex] is that its square [tex]{\left| {\mathbf{\psi }} \right|^{\mathbf{2}}}[/tex] is directly proportional to the probability of locating an electron at a point within an atom. Hence the orbital is not a circular region of space but a region where the probability of locating an electron is highest.

Therefore, in the wave-mechanical model of the atom, a region of the most probable location is defined as orbital. Hence, the correct option is [tex]\left( {\text{2}} \right)[/tex].

Learn more:

1. Calculation of volume of gas: https://brainly.com/question/3636135

2. Determine how many moles of water produce: https://brainly.com/question/1405182

Answer details:  

Grade: High School

Subject: Chemistry

Chapter: Bohr theory and quantum chemistry

Keywords: Wave mechanical model, Bohr model, wave mechanical model, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, Physical significance, orbital, Schrödinger wave equation and probability