Respuesta :


If you have trouble with decimals, then multiply both numbers by a constant number to get rid of the decimals. In this case, we would multiply by 1000.

0.732 x 1000 = 732
0.750 x 1000 = 750

Obviously, 750 is bigger than 732. Therefore, 0.75 is bigger than 7.32.

By the way, this is a property: 
If [tex]a \ \textgreater \ b[/tex], then [tex]a \cdot c ~\ \textgreater \ ~ b\cdot c[/tex]
The decimal that is greater is 0.75. I say this because if you make 0.732 similar to 0.75 by approximating, it will be 0.73 because the 2 behind is not big enough to turn into a 1 and get added to 3, before it can turn into a 1, it has to be from 5-9. Anyway, when approximated, you can see that 73 is less than 75. Hope i helped. Have a nice day.