Which three statements about soil formation are true?
- The composition of soil depends largely on the composition of the parent rock.
- The chemical composition and structure of soil remains constant for millennia.
- Soil becomes less fertile when it is mixed with decaying organic matter.
- Strong roots of shrubs and trees hold on to soil and protect it from erosion.
- Soil formed from local rock is residual soil, and soil formed from distant rock is transported soil.

Respuesta :

The following statement about soil formation are true:
1. The composition of soil depend largely on the composition of the parent rock.
2. Strong roots of shrubs and trees hold on to soil and protect it from erosion.
3. Soil formed from local rock is residual soil and soil formed from distant rock is transported soil.
Soil are typically formed from rocks. The nature of the soil depend on the type of rock from which the soil was formed. It takes a long time for a soil to be formed from a parent rock. Erosion is the process that carries the surface soil away, but the root of shrub and trees usually prevent this by holding on to the soil particles. 

The soil composition depends on its parent rock, and the soil formed by the local rock is called residual soil. The plant and tree roots protect the soil from erosion. Thus, options a, d, and e are correct.

What is soil formation?

Soil formation is the technique that, over the years, builds the soil from the parent rock. It starts with the chemical and the physical breakdown of the parent rock by atmospheric factors like the wind and water.

The soil shares the same composition as the parent rock as the residual soil is formed by the local rock, whereas the transported soil is formed by the distant rock.

Trees and plants are very important for the soil as their roots conserve and protect the soil from getting carried away by the rain and wind that may result in erosion.

Therefore, the parent rock decides the composition of the soil.

Learn more about soil formation here: