A spring with a spring constant k of 44 n/m is stretched a distance of 14 cm (0.14 m) from its original unstretched position. what is the increase in potential energy of the spring? j

Respuesta :

The elastic potential energy of a spring is given by
[tex]U= \frac{1}{2} k x^2 [/tex]
where k is the spring's constant and x is the displacement with respect to its unstretched position. 

The initial potential energy of the spring is zero, because it is in unstretched postion, therefore x=0. The final potential energy is instead, using [tex]k=44 N/m[/tex] and [tex]x=0.14 m[/tex],
[tex]U_f = \frac{1}{2} (44 N/m)(0.14 m)^2 = 0.43 J[/tex]

And so, the increase in potential energy is 
[tex]\Delta U=U_f - U_i = 0.43 J-0 J=0.43 J[/tex]