Online education has many advantages and disadvantages. What do you think is one advantage and one disadvantage of online education? What could be done to help fix the disadvantage you listed?

Respuesta :

an advantage is that it does allow students to learn at their own pace, but a fixed pace, such as iready. However, it allows students and teachers the ability of not having to load around books. A disadvantage, however, is the ability students have to cheat by searching the answer online. A fix for this is to create programs that lock the assignment if a browser tab is opened. It would not eliminate the problem but decrease it.
Online leaning has many advantage, and many disadvantages. In paragraph one I will list the advantages. In paragraph two I will list the disadvantages. In paragraph three I will give an explanation on how we can change and fix those disadvantages.

One advantage of online school is that the students have lots of time to catch up, and get things done. Public schools have a very stict system that gives students a certain amount of time. Online school has that, but is looser and allows the students to get it done in their own time.

Another advantage is parentel help. In public schools, the only help that the students get is 1 teacher to 23 or 24 students. Kids that do online shcool can get help from a parent pretty quick.

A disadvantage of online school is the problem of students cheating. Public schools do not use computers or ipads a lot, and when they do, they lock up certain cheat sites. Yes, including brainly. Students that use online school can quickly look up test or quizz answers without knowing the concept, and without learning anything. 

How can we fix that? We can supervise the students better. Set up restrictions, locks, and have parental controls. Parents can supervise and monitor their students better.

I hope that helps,