
In at least three sentences share a solution to the problem.

1. My friends and I try to stay in shape and be healthy because we like to race our bikes. I asked my friend Joe to come to the movies with us last weekend. We were all having fun until we got into the car. Joe lit up a cigarette as soon as Jake’s older brother started the car. We were all coughing and couldn’t breathe. By the time we got to the theater we all smelled like cigarette smoke. The guys really don’t like that Joe smokes and don’t want him around. They say it’s either Joe or them. Joe’s a good friend other than the fact that he smokes. What should I do?

2. I was in the bathroom with some of my friends between classes today. All of them were smoking. I am a smoker, too, but sometimes I wish I could spend my money on things other than cigarettes. I am always sick and my friends who don’t smoke say I always smell like smoke. I know, from my health classes, that cigarette smoking causes emphysema and lung cancer. It’s really bad for me and I want to stop, but I don’t know how to tell my friends. I know it’s going to be difficult, but I don’t want them giving me a hard time about it. How can I deal with this?

3. I really like my girlfriend. She’s so pretty and we always have fun when we’re together! She’s a great person but the one thing I can’t stand about her is that she smokes. She’s been smoking since she was in fourth grade. Her hair and clothes always smell, her breath is unpleasant and her skin and teeth are yellow. It’s really hard to kiss someone if the person’s breath smells bad. I don’t want to break up with her or hurt her feelings, but it’s just got to stop. What can I do?

4. Bobby, one of my friends on the baseball team, was chewing tobacco yesterday at the game. He said that it’s called “smokeless tobacco,” so it’s safer than smoking cigarettes because the smoke doesn’t get into your lungs. He offered me some before I went up to bat, but I told him “no,” that I didn’t want any. My dad told me a few weeks ago while we were working on my swing that it’s not safe and that it can still cause cancer and make my breath smell really bad. I want to tell Bobby that it’s NOT a healthy way to use tobacco and that even though it sounds safe, it really isn’t. I’m just afraid he and the other guys will make fun of me. What should I do?

Respuesta :

1.what you should do is tell jake parents or teacher so they could try to get him out of the Habit and you should have a talk with him explaining why he should not smoke

2.You Should try to support your girlfriend to get out of the habit and take her to a rehab center and you should support her through the times when she tries to stop smoking.

3.You should immediately tell someone about this before his health gets worse there are other ways to help him with out getting your self in trouble.