Which sentence uses a comma correctly?
A )Until the next meeting, we should focus on selecting music. B) We have made many decisions, we need to make a few more.
C ) The party will, not go forward, unless we can come to an agreement.
D ) In the beginning, of this process we had more patience for each other.

Respuesta :

Hey there!

A comma is used to indicate a breif stop in the beginning of a sentence, usually to provide drama or emphasis on certain parts of the sentence. For example:

My favorite foods are apples, (stop), oranges, (stop), and pears(stop).

Let's start from D. We'll write it with stops and determine whether it makes sense by reading it aloud:

"In the beginning(stop) of this process we had more patience for each other.

This is incorrect, as you should not stop after saying "in the beginning".

For C:

"The party will(stop) not go forward (stop) unless we can come to an agreement."

This too is incorrect. Stopping after "the party will", and again after "not go forward", doesn't sound grammatically correct.

For B:

"We have made many decisions (stop) we need to make a few more."

Reading this aloud, we notice an immediate mistake. Stopping after decisions doesn't make any sense, and in order to illustrate that intended "and we need to make a few more", a semicolon (;) would make more sense.

For A:

"Until the next meeting(Stop), we should focus on selecting music."

This one is grammatically correct. It correctly demonstrates a stop after the word meeting, just like used in regular oral and sentence speaking.

Hope this helps!

A) Until the next meeting, we should focus on selecting music.