
One half century earlier, the Englishman Charles Darwin introduced his idea of evolution, which was based on the idea of survival of the fittest. Do you think Von bülow believed in this idea?

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During one of his explorations, naturalist Charles Darwin reached the Islands of the Galapagos. He observed that there are the same species of animals on different islands, but have noticeable differences. He found in Galapagos, that there were finches, a type of bird, with different type of beaks. Birds used their beaks to acquire food. It led him to discover that species developed over time to fit their way of life in surviving and getting their food. 

Darwin was writing up his theory in 1858 when he received an essay from Alfred Russel Wallace, who was in Borneo, describing Wallace's own theory of natural selection. Joint publication of Darwin's essay together with Wallace's paper was immediately prompted but received little notice from the public.

The public's disregard of their work spurred Darwin to write an abstract of his work which was published in 1859 as his book "On the Origin of Species".