
The Antifederalists opposed the ratification of the Constitution because the New Constitution A. divided the nation into North and South. B. didn't expand federal power enough. C. didn't have a bill of rights that would guarantee basic freedoms. D. was difficult for the average person to understand.

Respuesta :

The Antifederalists opposed the ratification of the Constitution because the New Constitution didn't have a bill of rights that would guarantee basic freedoms. That is letter C.   Federalists agree to the constitution and believe that a strong central government is needed for the preservation of the union. They focused and criticized the flaws of Articles of Confederation and view their rivals as having no solutions. The leaders in this government are strong and well organized. Anti-Federalists on the other hand, agree to the weak federal government and fully supported the bill of rights; they further argued that the constitution being proposed by the federalists contain no protection of the rights of the individual. They are skeptical on the constitution as it is being influenced by the colonialism

Answer:  C. The new Constitution didn't have a bill of rights that would guarantee basic freedoms.

The Articles of Confederation, in place prior to the ratification of the Constitution of the United States of America, had granted stronger authority to the states.  Patrick Henry and other Anti-Federalists were concerned about too much power winding up in the hands of the federal government and its executive branch, thus allowing a small number of national elites to control the affairs of the USA.  They feared this also would diminish the rights and freedoms of individual citizens.

The Bill of Rights, laid out in the first ten amendments to the Constitution, provided some reassurance to Anti-Federalists after the fight over ratification. The US Constitution was ratified in 1788.  The Bill of Rights was created in 1789 and ratified in 1791.