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The Townshend Acts were actually a series of taxes and laws imposed upon the colonists.

The colonists reacted to these acts with anger and boycotting. H
arassing tax collectors and merchants who violated the boycotts happened frequently too. 
One major event that the Townshend Acts resulted in was the Boston Tea Party.
Another major event on 
March 5, 1770, took place known as the Boston Massacre

The Townshend Acts were a series of laws that the British passed on the colonies in 1767. These acts were the subject of controversy in the colonies due to the fact that it took away some of the colonists' liberties.

The Acts were not well-received by the colonists. They disliked the fact that they had no representation in Parliament. They thought it was unjust for the British to pass laws without allowing them to participate in the process. Therefore, they responded with some unrest. Many merchants organized boycotts of British goods, while some others violently protested.