During the 1925 Scopes trial, the prosecution’s main argument was that

A)Darwin’s theory of evolution was not scientific.

B)Darwin’s theory of evolution was scientific.

C)schools had to teach biblical creationism, not Darwin’s Theory.

D)evolution should be taught along with creation.

Respuesta :

The correct answer is C) Schools had to teach biblical creationism, not Darwin's theory.

In this court case, John T. Scopes was arrested for teaching Darwin's theory of evolution. This teaching of evolution broke a Tennessee state law that said that teachers should teach creationism instead. Scopes intentionally taught this concept in order to challenge this law. This court case brought a tense showdown between members of the religious and scientific community.

During the 1925 Scopes trial, the prosecution's main argument was that Schools had to teach biblical creationism, not Darwin's Theory.

Further Explanation:-

The Scopes trial was a case that reached the Supreme Court of the United States in the year 1925. In this case, a high school teacher was made accused of violating the Tennessee Butler act. It was seen as an unlawful act to teach about human evolution under this act and this law was implemented in all state-funded schools of the United States. Many even say that this law was made to get publicity.  

In this case, the name of the accused was, John T. Scopes and he was unsure that if he even has violated any law or not as he didn't know that he ever thought Human evolution in school. Even though he was unsure, he purposely made himself guilty so that the case could have a defendant.

After so many hearings and arguments, He was finally found guilty and he was fined 100$ which was considered as a hefty fine during that time. But, after some time, this verdict was overturned and the reason behind that given was, 'Technicality'. With time, this case became the center point of controversy between Fundamentalists and Modernists and it gained intense publicity. The view of modernists was that if we talk about religion, Then evolution can't be termed as ‘Inconsistent'.  On the other hand, Fundamentalists stand was, the word "God' as mentioned in the Bible is most before all human Knowledge. The question raised by this trial came out as should modern science be taught in schools or not? The argument which was proposed by Defence during the trial was that there was no conflict between Evolution and creation in the bible and later this viewpoint was called theistic evolution and because of that schools should teach biblical creationism instead of Darwin's Theory.

Learn more:

1. Compare and contrast the middle colonies and southern colonies during the restoration era.


2. Why did European nations form alliances in the early 1900s?


Answer details:

Grade – High School

Subject – History

Chapter – Tennessee Butler Act

Keywords –Tennessee Butler Act, Tennessee, Bible, Human Knowledge, Supreme Court, Fundamentalists, Modernists, Dayton, 1925, Evolution.