
Three boxes of cereal weigh 379.4 grams, 424.25 grams and 379.37 grams.What is the difference between the lightest and the heaviest box?
(A) 44.15 grams
(B) 44.85 grams
(C) 44.88 grams
(D) 45.12 grams
Cambria chose (D) as the correct answers.How did she get that answer?

Respuesta :

Lightest = 379.37
Heaviest = 424.25

Difference = 424.25 - 379.37 = 44.88 (Answer C)

Cambria could have read 379.4 as 379.04 and chose that as the lightest. 
424.25 - 379.04 = 45.12