Respuesta :

Divide "56 days" by "64 days" to determine the fraction of days on which the train is on time:

56 days
----------- = 0.875 => 87.5%
64 days

Sounds as tho' the train is on time more often than the bus is.

To do this problem, you need to figure out how reliable the bus is by converting the fraction the bus is on-time to a percentage. That way you can compare the percentage of time the train is on-time to the percentage of time the bus is on time.

To do this, you would need to divide the amount of days the bus was on-time, 56, by the total amount days, 64, and multiply the decimal you get by 100% to get the percentage. then compare that percentage to the percentage that the train was on-time.

I will do the rest of problem below, just in case, but you can try it out on your own :)

So the bus is on-time:
[tex] \frac{56}{64} \times 100\% = 87.5\%[/tex]
of the time.

The train was on time 90% of the time and the bus was on time 87.5% of the time. That means the train was more reliable.